The most studied LAAC device in the world
With over 20 years of LAAC innovation and experience, WATCHMAN has changed the lives of over 500,000 patients with proven, safe, and effective outcomes. WATCHMAN Implants are the only devices custom-engineered for the LAAC procedure.

Patients successfully implanted (395/400)*1

Major adverse event rate†1

Effective LAA closure‡1
Proven patient outcomes
The WATCHMAN Implant is the most studied and implanted LAAC Device in the world.§ Hear from cardiologists as they discuss the efficacy and clinical outcomes of the WATCHMAN Implant and see why it’s the leader in LAAC therapy.
Learn about the first randomized, head-to-head study comparing WATCHMAN to OACs after cardiac ablation
*Procedure success defined as successful delivery and release of a WATCHMAN FLX device into the LAA.
†Occurrence of one of the following events between the time of implant and within 7 days following the procedure or by hospital discharge, whichever is later: all-cause death, ischemic stroke, systemic embolism, or device or procedure related events requiring open cardiac surgery or major endovascular intervention.
‡LAA closure at 12 months is defined as any peri-device flow with jet size ≤5mm per core laboratory-assessed TEE
§Represents all WATCHMAN models.
1. Kar, S., et al, Primary Outcome Evaluation of the Next Generation LAAC Device: Results from the PINNACLE FLX Trial, Circulation, 2021.