How WATCHMAN works
In non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AFib), >90% of stroke-causing clots that come from the left atrium are formed in the left atrial appendage (LAA).1
The WATCHMAN Implant is a minimally invasive, one-time procedure designed to reduce the risk of strokes that originate in the LAA.

Permanent implant

Minimally invasive

1 day or less average hospital stay
A one-time procedure that delivers a lifetime of stroke risk reduction, without oral anticoagulant (OAC) bleed risk.
Learn how the WATCHMAN FLX Pro Implant works.
WATCHMAN FLX Pro Implant design
Built on the proven performance of WATCHMAN FLX, WATCHMAN FLX Pro is the next-generation WATCHMAN device with new features designed to promote faster healing.2

WATCHMAN LAAC Implant procedure overview

Step 1
Using a standard percutaneous technique, a guidewire and vessel dilator are inserted into the femoral vein. The implant procedure is performed with fluoroscopy and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE).

Step 2
The interatrial septum is crossed using a standard transseptal access system. The access sheath is advanced over the guidewire into the left atrium and then navigated into the distal portion of the LAA over a pigtail catheter.

Step 3
The WATCHMAN Implant is deployed and released in the LAA.

Step 4
Heart tissue grows over the implant and the LAA is permanently sealed. Patients will then follow the post-implant drug regimen as prescribed by their physician.

Step 5
The implant is fully endothelialized.
Flexibility to choose the right post-implant drug regimen
With the approval of immediate DAPT-use post-implant, only the WATCHMAN device provides the flexibility to select the ideal drug regimen that is best for your patient with clinical outcomes that support both safety and efficacy in preventing thrombosis and consequent stroke. Additionally, WATCHMAN is the only LAAC device without a requirement of an overnight stay post-procedure.
As always, you should exercise clinical judgment based on individual patient characteristics in determining the most appropriate use of anti-thrombotic drugs for the post-implant medication regimen.

Post-implant drug regimen options

At TEE, if leak >5mm, patients remain on OAC + ASA until seal is documented (leak <5mm)
*Any P2Y12 inhibitor and aspirin
Top medical institutions across the country perform the WATCHMAN Implant procedure
- More than 850 major medical centers across the U.S. are certified to implant WATCHMAN
- The WATCHMAN physician training program involves multiple phases including didactic training, imaging training, training in patient selection, device selection, complication management, and optional physician proctoring.
- Individual physicians and/or the collective physician team must be proficient in transseptal skills prior to entering the WATCHMAN training program.
See WATCHMAN clinical evidence
1. Blackshear JL., Odell JA. Annals of Thoracic Surg. 1996; 61: 755-759.
2. Saliba, W. et al. JACC EP, May 2023. Bench testing or pre-clinical study results may not necessarily be indicative of clinical performance. N=12 in a pre-clinical canine study.
3. Bench study performed under CT by Boston Scientific. Data on file.